Gene Cummings 

    Gene Cummings died.  I was able to attend his memorial the other day.   It was an honor to honor him.  They called it a celebration of life.  He was 86.  Gene was always old to me, when I meant him he had been retired from being the boss of where I worked for 14 years.  He worked as a retired annuitant for the State then.   He did that for 20 years.  Talk about a man unable to fully retire.  I do believe he never really did, that was his joy in retirement.  Part time conversing with those he worked close with, enjoying his job still.   I use to put on a party every year while I was there and I remember Gene and his wife Sylvia were at the top of the list to call when I invited everyone.  Why?  He was fun and happy.  Gene always had a smile on his face and a joking attitude.  I really didn’t realize it as I got to know him but I was genuinely happy to see him when he’d poke his head into work and when he arrived at our party.    I had known him for over 17 years and always remember this about him.  When I look back at him, my thoughts are nothing but happy ones; I think integrity and honorable.  His grandson spoke at the celebration; we were told it was to remember the happy times and he was so visible saddened that his grandfather wouldn’t be there in human form to watch him play ball anymore.  I teared up at this, felt his pain.   Realizing then those close to Gene had a huge loss.  I heard he was ready to go when he did.  He had called a friend to say goodbye.
Told him he’d save him a spot in the quartet he’d form up in heaven, another joy of his on earth.  He died, left a hole in so many; yet left great memories of a man, large in life, commitment, joy, fulfillment, integrity and those attributes one loves to reminded about for those still on earth.